miércoles, marzo 26, 2008


¡Nos vamos a la Feria de Bologna!!

“When cows fly” Exhibition of Argentinian Illustrators

MONDAY 31 MARCH, 2008 AT 10:30 AM

Fairground – Service Centre
Piazza Costituzione, 6 – Bologna


Monday, March 31
10.30 a.m.
Opening of the exhibition “When Cows fly…”
Argentina - Guest of Honour of the Illustrators Exhibition

Tuesday, April 1
10.00 a.m.
Argentinian Books for Children and Teenagers
Round Table discussion with: Jochen Weber, Jugendbibliotek and the illustrators Istvan Schritter, Irene Singer and Monica Weiss . Moderator: Violeta Noetinger, Editorial Alfaguara (Argentina).

11.30 a.m.
Presentation of the Argentinian Illustrators
Participants: María Jesús Alvarez, Eleonora Arroyo, Poly Bernatene, Gabriel Bernstein, Bianki, Viviana Billotti, Analía Bruno, Mariana Chiesa, Valeria Docampo, Sonia Esplugas, Luciana Fernández, Horacio Gatto, Irene Singer, Istvan, Isol, Maximiliano Lucchini, Eugenia Nobati, Alejandro O'Kif, Elenio Pico, Daniel Roldán, Cristian Turdera, Mónica Weiss.
Introduced by Violeta Noetinger.

Web Bologna Fiere
Web Foro de Ilustradores

sábado, marzo 08, 2008

Mi mascota no ladra

De nuevo en la aventura de encontrar las imágenes para un libro de Jorge Luján. Éste será acerca de las mascotas. Todavía estoy probando cosas, a ver qué queda...